The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)
What is the Renewable Heat Incentive and how does it work?
The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is a government backed financial scheme introduced on 28 th
November 2011 with the goal to promote the use of renewable heat.
The RHI is available to both the Domestic sector i.e. private home owners and the Non-Domestic
sector i.e. businesses. In order to be able to apply for the RHI a renewable heat energy source must
be fitted and certified to the given home or commercial building.
The eligible renewable heat systems are:
Biomass Boilers and Stoves
Air Source Heat Pumps
Ground Source Heat pumps
Solar Thermal
The RHI is payable over a period of 7 years. Payments are made on a quarterly basis. The amount
paid is on every KWh used.
Below is a chart of the current Tariff for the Domestic RHI
For Further information on the RHI please follow link below: